Raspberry Cultivars
Cascade Delight was released as a new raspberry cultivar in 2003. It is productive, with long fruiting laterals producing large, firm fruit. The fruiting season and productivity is very similar to Tulameen, though fruit size and firmness are greater. In research plots at WSU Mt. Vernon and Puyallup, it was very vigorous and withstood Root Rot where Tulameen, Meeker, Qualicum, and Comox could not.
Cascade Harvest was developed by WSU in 2014 and is moderately firm with a light to medium red color. A mid-season variety with timing similar to Meeker, this variety tends to be high yielding. The variety has a good degree of tolerance to root rot and also carries the gene Bu, which gives it resistance to the common strain of RBDV.
Cascade Premier is a bright, flavorful variety bred for easy automated harvest. More than a decade in the making, this variety was first crossed in 2007 from two WSU experimental varieties and released in 2018. Cascade Premier’s berries ripen earlier in the season and release easily at the right time, allowing growers to lengthen their season and harvest firm berries. The new variety also grows its fruit-bearing branches to a uniform length, reducing damage to the canes from harvest and ensuring better yields.
Chemainus is a mid-season processing type from the Ag Canada program that produces medium-large sized, medium-dark colored berries. It machine harvests well and can be used for processing and IQF. It can also be used for fresh market.
Meeker was developed by Washington State University (WSU) and released as a new cultivar in 1967. Meeker is vigorous with long fruiting laterals. Modifications to harvesters allowed Meeker to be machine harvested and by the late 1980s, Meeker was the predominant cultivar grown in Washington. Meeker is a sweet raspberry with the delicious flavor one expects but bred to be stronger, withstanding mechanical harvesting without loss of quality. This development has contributed greatly to Washington’s elevation in status as one of the largest raspberry-producing regions in the world. Meeker is a late-season, very productive summer fruiting raspberry with excellent traditional raspberry flavor. It is a versatile cultivar with its fruit being usable for fresh, IQF, bulk frozen, juice or puree. Although it is acceptable for local fresh market use, other cultivars are larger and better for longer-distance fresh markets. It is particularly sensitive to Root Rot as a new plant but has more tolerance after it has become well-established. RBDV infection causes a reduction in yield and crumbly fruit, which results in a lower grade fruit and reduces the longevity of plantings.
Squasmish come from the Ag Canada program and are medium to dark red in color, firm and glossy with an excellent flavor. Initially, Squamish was identified as having the potential to be an early season replacement for Malahat with better tolerance to Phytophthora root rot and other soil-borne diseases. Further testing has shown that it also has the ability to machine harvest extremely well and the potential to be a dual-purpose variety for both fresh and processed markets.
Tulameen is the standard variety for the fresh market throughout the world. It has a large fruit with an excellent, non-traditional raspberry flavor. Because of the large fruit size, it can be difficult to machine harvest.
Wake™Haven is an early to mid-season variety that ripens earlier than WakeField with the potential to extend harvest season to more than 6 weeks. With medium fruit that’s light to medium in red color, very firm and a good flavor, WakeHaven I high-yielding and cold-tolerant.
Wake™Field is a late-season variety with harvest continuing through August. With a medium to dark red color, these small-to-medium-sized berries are firm and flavorful. High-yielding and perfect for machine harvesting, this variety is slow to develop raspberry dwarf virus (RBDV) and has some field resistance to root rot.
GROWER # | 2017 POUNDS | 2018 POUNDS | 2019 POUNDS | 2020 POUNDS | 2021 POUNDS | 2022 POUNDS | 2023 POUNDS | 2024 POUNDS | INCREASE | % OF STATE | |
Whatcom County | 50 | 68,350,012 | 74,224,605 | 65,639,504 | 63,674,250 | 44,571,574 | 49,279,904 | 58,614,626 | 54,851,456 | -6.4% | 98.8% |
Puget Sound | 5 | 334,448 | 296,838 | 252,512 | 304,079 | 295,436 | 243,480 | 286,792 | 207,761 | -27.6% | 0.4% |
Southwest WA | 3 | 595,187 | 412,186 | 278,740 | 239,394 | 162,814 | 110,921 | 126,778 | 459,148 | 96.1% | 0.8% |
WA State Total | 58 | 69,279,646 | 74,933,629 | 66,170,756 | 64,217,723 | 45,029,824 | 49,634,305 | 59,028,196 | 55,518,365 | 18.90% |
Helpful Links
Northwest Berry Foundation Site covers all small fruits, including pictures and detailed information about pest insects and diseases, a pesticide guide, updated industry calendar, berry technology, and resources.
Crop Protection Tools and MRLs
Registrations for WA & OR Caneberries June 2023
MRLs for Caneberries April 2024
International Raspberry Organization (IRO) The International Raspberry Organization is made up of the 13 leading raspberry producing countries with a goal of cooperation toward improved quality production and markets for red raspberries.
IOS Press (search for scientific articles) Offering a variety of scientific articles. Registration required.
National Berry Crops Initiative Information on the strategic plan for the continued growth and sustainability of the berry crop production.
North American Blueberry Council A non-profit association representing cultivated blueberry growers and marketers in the US and Canada.
North American Raspberry & Blackberry Association A membership association of blackberry and raspberry growers and agricultural professionals working to improve berry production.
Northwest Center for Small Fruits Research Information about the researchers and their projects to enhance berry quality and marketability.
Northwest WA Research and Extension Center WSU-Mount Vernon Research Center news and information.
Oregon Raspberry & Blackberry Commission Nutrition information about berries, recipes, and the Commission.
Small Fruit Update Sign up to get the weekly Small Fruit Update newsletter put out by Northwest Berry Foundation
Raspberry Industry Development Council (BC) The raspberry industry in British Columbia, grower resources, media kit.
The Food Institute Just about everything you ever wanted to know about the food industry.
US Highbush Blueberry Council Offering information about the blueberry industry’s national promotion and research organization.
USDA publications A vast collection of articles, etc. on economic research concerning fruits and tree nuts. Multiple methods to find what you are looking for.
Washington Department of Agriculture Laws, rules, licenses, permits, marketing, pesticides, and more.
Washington Small Fruit Conference See video clips and programs from recent programs.
Washington Commission on Integrated Pest Management Reports, meeting minutes, funded projects, information about the Commission.
WSU Whatcom County Extension An overview of extension in Washington with links to various publications including the Nooksack IPM project for raspberries.
WSU Whatcom Ag Monthly Monthly newsletter from WSU Whatcom County Extension.